Igbo Herbs And Their English Names

In addition to the abundance of other natural resources, Nigeria is home to a wide variety of plants, many of which are beneficial to human health and nutrition. Each of these plants has its own unique set of abilities and is found in different parts of the world.

So, many people want to know Igbo herbs and their English names in which we have done justice to here in this content.

There has been a significant increase in the use of traditional Nigerian herbs, spices, and medicinal plants in recent years. This is due to an increase in public awareness of their advantages and adequate professional research confirming their applications and purposes.

They can be used singly or in combination, with varying degrees of success in treating both mild and severe ailments. An untapped gold mine of Nigerian herbs, spices, and traditional medicine lies just beneath the surface, waiting to be discovered.

It would be impossible for us to list every single herb that the Igbo people rely on because of our limited space. However, we’ve chosen to concentrate on the most common ones in this article. We’ve listed their English names, as well as a few of their perks.

Igbo Herbs And Their English Names

Nchanwu Leaf (Scent Leaf)

Scent leaf, also known as nchanwu leaf, has been shown to increase male and female fertility. This is a leaf that is at its most potent when freshly plucked. When squeezed in water, the leaf can be used in a meal or as an extract. Nwanchu leaf is an excellent fertility enhancer.

Apart from these, this leaf has many advantages ranges from treating pile, used as one of the leave to treat malaria and many other diseases.


Ginger is widely available in many parts of the world, including the eastern part of Nigeria. It has numerous health benefits, one of which is an increase in fertility. This versatile root can be consumed raw, used as a spice, or brewed into a tea for maximum efficacy.

It can also be used as antibacterial and antifungi when eaten.

Ohia Anyu (Water Melon)

Igbos call wild water melon Ohia Anyu, and this plant has been shown to increase fertility. In treating female infertility, it works best by regulating menstruation and ensuring a regular fertile cycle for the female body. Long-term use is possible.

White Peony

This plant works wonders for women who are having trouble getting pregnant because their hormone levels are out of whack. It regulates the menstrual cycle by balancing hormones.

Adi (Bitter Kola)

The name “Bitter Kola” refers to the bitter fruit of the Nigerian plant, which is commonly consumed by the elderly for its health benefits. Stored in a cool, dry place, it can be used to treat many different health issues.

Asthma and other respiratory conditions

A laxative used to treat gastrointestinal problems

It can be used to treat tumor


The popular zobo beverage is made with hibiscus flowers. This herbal beverage has long been popular in Nigeria due to the fact that it is both healthy and tasty, two qualities that are uncommon in herbal beverages. Mental and physical health can be boosted by using this product’s exceptional abilities.

Maintaining healthy levels of cholesterol, glucose, and blood pressure

It makes it easier to lose weight.

Exceptional source of nourishment for the body.

Moringa ( Moringa Oleifera)

It was about a decade ago that the Moringa plant shot to fame as a super-hero herb. This isn’t a surprise, given the plant’s wide range of health benefits, including mental health, digestive health, blood cholesterol, the development of the immune system, and more. The ‘wonder plant’, Moringa oleifera, is one of the most widely used Nigerian herbs.

Useful in the treatment of gastrointestinal issues.

High antioxidant properties make it an effective detoxifier.

An anti-inflammatory and anti-infective agent.

Vitamin-rich and nutrient-dense food.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a widespread plant that can be found in many parts of the world. Many health benefits are provided both externally and internally by its spiky green nature. One of Nigeria’s most common plants, this one is used to treat a wide range of physical ailments and disorders.

Treatment of the hair and the skin.

Blood sugar levels can be controlled.

Constipation and diarrhea treatment.

Dental plaque removal and wound care.


As an Ndigbo, it is necessary for you to know some basic Igbo herbs and their English meaning, not only that, it is necessary, you know what each of these herbs are capable of curing without having the need to spend fortune on buying processed drugs.

You can easily access basic care for any mild illness from your backyard. So, if there are other herbs we need to include on this list, kindly help us via the comment section below.